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О лошадях => Конный спорт зарубежья => Тема начата: Dina от Апрель 09, 2013, 14:57:38

Название: WEG 2014 seeks 3000 volunteers
Отправлено: Dina от Апрель 09, 2013, 14:57:38
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With 500 days to go to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy, France, organisers are calling for volunteers to help at the event.

Some 20,000 spectators are expected at Caenzs d’Ornano Stadium for the opening ceremony on the evening of Saturday, 23 August 2014.

There is a day’s break to allow competitors and organisers to add their final preparations, with the equestrian competitions starting on Monday, August 25. The Games run until Sunday, September 7.

Organisers are seeking 3000 volunteers. Candidates must be 18 or over and be both motivated and available during the fortnight of competitions. Initially, 1000 volunteers will be trained to help out at the test events in 2013, with a further 1500 to 2000 to join their ranks in 2014. Candidates will be subject to a registration process, followed by an in-depth information and training course.

Recruitment starts on April 10.

Organising committee president Laurent Beauvais said the 3000 volunteers will represent the welcoming face of Normandy and will be the first contact that the public has with the event. “They will live by the values of openness and respect, which are the hallmarks of the Norman edition of the event. They will of course have full training to make them just as professional as anyone else on the organising team.”

“The London Olympics proved that any event is only as good as its volunteers. They hold the key to making a
successful, welcoming and friendly major international event. Our Normandie 2014 ‘Games Makers’ will be the very essence of the event.”

Первоисточник здесь http://horsetalk.co.nz/2013/04/09/weg-2014-seeks-3000-volunteers/#.UWQnYSDbNOA
Заведомо не перевожу - кто не знает английского выучить все равно не успеет, сори.
Название: WEG 2014 seeks 3000 volunteers
Отправлено: Ойген от Апрель 20, 2013, 09:53:26
...и кто не знает французского, выучить все равно не успеет ) А он там требуется, насколько я понял: "Applicants... бла-бла ...and must understand French."
И все ссылки на регистрацию волонтером ведут на фр. сайт.